Current Goal:
by August 2024

Fundraising Overview

The Clarksburg Yard is sponsored by Clarksburg Church (which owns the land it will be developed on) and funded by generous grants from county government, charitable organizations, and local donations from the community. Once fully built, the project is expected to be financially self-sustainable.

Though we’ve applied for federal and county grants, local fundraising remains crucial to demonstrate community support and commitment, which significantly enhances the project's chances of securing additional grants and funding.

Current Fundraising Goal

Our current fundraising goal is $85,000 by August 2024 to support the construction and building in Phase 1. Funds will be utilized specifically for infrastructure development, including construction, building materials, and related expenses.

Secured Funding

Funding has been and will continue to be applied for as needs progress. So far, The Clarksburg Yard has secured funding through the first few stages of development from the following generous sources:

  • Maryland State Bond Bill: Committed funding from the Maryland State Bond Bill contributes to the project's capital costs. 

  • Nature Sacred: A gift in kind from Nature Sacred provided community collaboration guidance that resulted in the landscape architectural design services, enhancing the project's usability, community ownership, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal. 

  • Clarksburg Church: Committed funding from Clarksburg Church demonstrates organizational support and investment in the project's success.

  • Private Fundraising: Committed funds from local individual donors within the Clarksburg community contribute to the project's financial sustainability and reflect community ownership and support.


If you are interested in helping make The Clarksburg Yard happen, here is how you can get involved most directly:

  1. Donate. From design to execution, this space is intended to be developed by neighbors and for neighbors in Clarksburg, so donations are welcome and greatly appreciated. All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% go towards The Clarksburg Yard’s development. Donate Now!

  2. Write a letter of support. Many of our grants require public support. A letter from you saying why you want to see The Clarksburg Yard happen would help us get the funding we need. Feel free to use this support letter template if you’d like to make your voice heard. Send your completed letter to the email on the template. It will be used for additional grant applications and local funding efforts. Thank you!